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Why a Tech Savvy Real Estate Agent is in Demand Today

tech-savvy real estate agent

Today a tech-savvy real estate agent is in high demand. Let’s face it, Millennials and Gen-Xers are changing the way the real estate industry now works.  The days of repeated phone calls and face-to-face meetings are far and few between. They are almost non-existent.

Although we’re still utilizing the phone – although the smartphone; it is not being used very much for speaking. Today it is used for texting and emailing.  

As Technology Changes So Does Real Estate

Millennials and Gen-Xers were born with technology as their first toy. Therefore they want a realtor who is as tech-savvy, if not more so than they are.  Communication is done in the more non-conventional means.

Communications are done by text, social media, email, etc. That includes electronic business cards as well.  If you want to be way ahead of your competition in this real estate market, you being a tech-savvy real estate agent is a huge plus.

A realtor with a technology background will know how vital it is to have a good Contact Management System (CRM) in place to make their workload go seamless. And more importantly, at their fingertips.

Technology Is A Must For Real Estate Agents 

In today’s market, it would be career suicide not to fully utilize the internet and various forms of technology.  Having software, apps, and tools at your disposal gives you a solid foothold with today’s buyers and sellers. 

For this reason, it starts with a tremendous website and a great social media presence.

Gone are the days where the real estate agents were the gatekeepers of the MLS listings. It was the only way a consumer could get any info on a home. They had to contact a realtor.

Today, there is transparency and many research tools for consumers.  Your best bet would be to ensure you have the most current listings on your website so that you aren’t passed over by another realtor.

Real Estate Tools for the Tech-Savvy Real Estate Agent

Using the various tools that are popping up every day for the real estate industry is a must to providing a more simple process for the home buyer, homeowner, and realtor.  It is also imperative to keep up on the latest real estate marketing trends

Anything to help simplify the process for the client so you won’t lose that client.  A tech-savvy real estate agent needs to find new and fresh ways to garner new leads.

Contact Management Systems can really help you with generating leads and follow-up.

Tools that tech-savvy real estate agents look for are those that:

Of course, don’t go overboard, because too many apps and tools can get too confusing. They can make more work for you instead of helping you streamline your workload. 

You don’t want to over-complicate your business.

Mobile-Friendly For Tech Savvy Real Estate Agents

Today’s market is based entirely on mobile-friendly resources.  You need to have info for your client at your fingertips and quick!  Furthermore, you’ll need to be organized and as paperless as possible.

A tech-savvy person would be well-suited as a tech-savvy real estate agent and be quite successful at it because they would be adaptable to any changes.  Mobile technology is changing the face of the real estate industry, making smartphones and tablets a must. 

You are ahead of the game if these tools are second nature to you.

A tech-savvy real estate agent will have no problem creating marketing videos on YouTube or keeping up with new trends by sharing info with their clients on social media.

Tech savvy realtors know how to use all forms of technology to make sales.

You won’t find a tech-savvy realtor tied to a desk because they will have created a work environment that promotes and allows traveling and being on the move.

One way to see what would-be clients see if they researched you and your company, is to actually Google yourself to see what comes up. 

Really look at your website through the eyes of your potential client to see if you would find it easy to maneuver and being able to easily find what you were looking for.  These days, clients want to see things in real-time.

A tech-savvy real estate agent will have no problem creating marketing videos on YouTube or keeping up with new trends by sharing info with their clients on social media. #RealEstateAgent Click To Tweet

What sets a tech-savvy real estate agent apart from a non-tech savvy one?

This is the one industry that is true “people” centered so adapting to how you communicate with consumers in this industry is important.  When the cellphone came into popularity in the ’90s, it definitely revolutionized how business was done. 

Real estate agents were able to keep in touch with their clients no matter where they were or what they were doing and it helped with generating more leads and getting more sales.

Now, with the advent of the smartphone, IPad, and individual websites; the industry has changed yet again.  So, being tech-savvy definitely has its advantages and puts you ahead of the curve. 

Tech-savvy people make the most of the following aspects:

Technology Saves Time

The real estate profession is a very fast-paced industry. Between driving to and from house viewings/showings, generating leads, delivering contracts for signatures, and keeping in constant contact with your client; having software, apps, and tools at your disposal to help streamline your workload and make it more manageable is crucial in today’s market. 

Being able to utilize an app that allows a digital signature done electronically cuts down on the driving time (not to mention fuel) to locate your clients!

Ensuring Compliance for Audits

In order to maintain compliance in this industry, having a management app to help you manage and store all-important, signed documents are crucial especially when working with other realtors. 

In essence, you’ll never have to worry about huge file folders filled with paperwork to go through when being audited.  Now it can all be streamlined online.

Making your presentations more accessible and visual

Utilizing apps that help you not only go paperless but also help you create virtual tour videos. Making YouTube videos or drone videos can help you as a realtor better present and upgrade your offering to the client.

Being more productive

Having all your information at your fingertips makes not only your job easier, but also helps the client. 

Apps and tools that help you organize and structure your day, store all your leads, contacts and listings help you work more efficiently and effectively.

Better communication with each individual client per their preference

Being adaptable and asking your client which form of communication best suits their needs can put you ahead when a client is researching a realtor to choose to work with. 

The needs and wants of a client should be of utmost importance.  It’ll make the entire process go as painlessly and pleasantly as possible for all involved.

The needs and wants of a client should be of utmost importance. #RealEstateAgent #realtorslife Click To Tweet

The Realtors Website – A Must Today

Consumers today are looking for instant gratification from websites and their realtors. That is why creating a website that is simple to use and understand is imperative.  Remember, it just can’t be any old website.

You need to ensure that you have a way to track the visitors to your website so you do not lose any new leads. Then you will need to be able to capture their information so that you can contact them for a follow-up. 

The last thing you want is for a lead to slip away and find its way to your competitors.

As a tech-savvy person, you know how vital it is to have home page optimization, Meta tags, and other online marketing and branding strategies in order to garner buyers and sellers. 

A non-techie with only print ads cannot compete with your 360-degree virtual view tour for this generation who prefer visuals.

Due to the changes made on the internet every day, it definitely shifts the way buyers and sellers shop for real estate. 

Before a realtor is even consulted, today 90% of all real estate searches start online according to the National Association of Realtors.

With RE/MAX, we offer KVCore websites which makes it easier for agents to get started with their online presence. 

So having a well-informed website will give them access to the latest modern technologies such as:

Furthermore, millennials, don’t really need realtors to help them find the properties they are interested in. They can do that themselves. But what they do need is someone who can interpret the information for them.

This is why a tech-savvy individual will be the most beneficial. They can relate to this new type of buyer and offer information right at your fingertips.

But what they do need is someone who can interpret the information for them. This is why a tech-savvy individual will be the most beneficial. #RealEstateAgent Click To Tweet

In Conclusion of a Tech-Savvy Real Estate Agent

In conclusion, having a strong tech background and online presence will give you a better opportunity to help new clients.  Technology allows you to help people buy and sell their homes quicker than years ago.

It also helps build and maintain good relationships with your clients. Thus helping you position yourself as an expert in your field.

If after reading this, you find that your technical skills would best be suited towards this industry, I’d be happy to help you get started in Rhode Island.  Contact me today!

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