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RE/MAX Northern RI Believes Family Matters – More Than Ever!

Family matters at RE/MAX more than ever. Linguists, people skilled in foreign languages, state that “English is one of the most difficult languages to learn and understand”.  Mainly because of the plethora of synonyms contained in the vocabulary.

In a Matter of Speaking

To this point, let’s consider the word “ Matter”.

As a noun, Matter can be a thing. It is “the Stuff Around You”.

Atoms and compounds are all made of very small parts of matter. Those atoms go on to build the things you see and touch every day. Matter consists of anything that has mass and takes up space (it has volume).

Also used as a Noun,  Matter means, “an affair or situation under consideration; a topic.”

For example:  A great deal of work is done on this matter.

As a Verb, “Matter” can refer to the importance or significance of something.

Example: It doesn’t matter what the guests wear.

We use the word “Matter” in our everyday conversations without giving it a second thought.

It is often used to give the illusion that the objects perceived by the physical senses have the reality of substance.

Therefore, how many times have you used the following phrase to make your point?

As a matter of fact………………….meaning,  actually.

For that matter……………………….meaning, so far as that is concerned.

No matter ………………………………meaning, without regard to.

No matter what………………………meaning, regardless of the costs, consequences or results.

What’s the matter with me?….Well, that could mean almost anything.

Why does it matter?……………..You get the idea.

Adding “Family” and the Letter “ S”

Doing this changes the word Matter to Matters; adding the word Family creates the term, “Family Matters”.

Family Matters can take on a double meaning. Used as a noun, Family Matters can relate to “something regarding the family” such as things that pertain to the family members or family business.

Most noteworthy, is the fact that this could infer that these Family Matters are considered business matters. Therefore they should NOT be  shared with outsiders.

For example: Father’s Last Will and Testament is a family matter and is not to be discussed with any non-family members.

When Family Matters Is used as a verb, the meaning would be  used as a form of endearment, such as”Family is important”. Whether the expression, Family matters,  is intended to be ambiguous, depends entirely on the context and the speaker. Here is a fine example.

The current state of the world has made me clearly aware that my Family Matters to me.

There are other circumstances in which the word Matters,  used as a verb,  relates to Family Matters. A prime example is thus: I will do as you wish, if it Matters that much to the Family.

We Are Family – Family Matters

Why does Family Matter? Family Matters because they are the backbone of our society. They provide structure to our lives. Family relationships teach each of us how to learn and understand who we are as adults.  And then, families influence how we treat our own children and other family members.

Family provides love, support and a framework of values. These family members serve one another and share life’s joys and sorrows.  From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs.

It puts a different perspective on what really Matters in Life, doesn’t it?

RE/MAX of Northern RI Believes that EVERYTHING Even Family Matters!

 In times like these:

RE/MAX in Northern RI always puts family first!  They understand the family bonds. And, they relate to the things that matter in life. A house is NOT a home without family. However, RE/MAX realizes that family Does matters, when choosing a place to call home.

RE/MAX Northern RI Has Always Been Considered A Family

Richard Zompa, Broker

Richard Zompa, Broker/Owner of ReMax Northern RI is there for you and your family, He is there to help you find that home of your dreams.  He is dedicated to making your real estate experience memorable and enjoyable.

Not only that but he lives, works and serves your local communities and has the experience to get the job, done during this time of crisis.

Richard also makes his office a home to his agents, even when they are working from their own homes today. Each agent is treated as family at RE/MAX Preferred, Town & Country and Properties.

You also become a member of the RE/MAX Family once you begin your search for that special place you call home. Richard and his agents will be there  for you, every step of the way; from start-to-finish.

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