Did you think we would ever have healthcare for real estate agents? We have exciting news for our RE/MAX agents now. Agents can now apply to receive new RE/MAX health benefits that may provide more value at lower costs. And you don’t have to wait for open enrollment either.
Enrollment will be open from the 1st to the 10th of each month for you to sign up. However, coverage will become effective for the following month.

As previously reported by RE/MAX News, according to the National Association of Realtors’ 2020 Health Insurance Survey, just 2% of Realtors obtain health insurance coverage through their real estate firm.
New RE/MAX Health Benefits
- Lower Deductible Options
- Lower Co-Insurance
- Out of Network benefits in California
- Lower Co-Insurance costs for out of network benefits
- Lower Out of Pocket Max
- Copays for ER visits
- Non-restricted and Expanded Drug Formulary
- Specialty Drug Coverage
- Lower Copays
Many of these plans include employee only, an employee with a spouse, an employee with a family, and a whole family plan for your to choose from.
However, within all the options there are tiers for you to choose from.
Health Benefits by ABO
Benefits by ABO is a program designed to help RE/MAX® brokers provide their agents with affordable, qualified group benefits. The program offers national PPO health plans through Aetna, with additional Dental and Vision coverage available.
Now, your agents could save hundreds of dollars per month in premium costs, while some agents’ families could save over $1,000 per month, depending on age and location.
There is no wait for open enrollment or a major life event.
Visit remaxhealthbenefits.com to learn more.

Offering Real Estate Agents Healthcare Options
RE/MAX is very excited to be able to offer this to all our agents at our 5 Northern Rhode Island RE/MAX offices.:)
We know we have heard from agents for years that would love to have options for their healthcare as costs have risen over the years.
This is just one more benefit to becoming a RE/MAX real estate agent today! Not only can you make more money selling real estate with us but now you may save money on your healthcare coverage.
Why Join RE/MAX Today?
There are many great reasons to join RE/MAX here in our 5 RE/MAX offices.
According to a recent study, 9 out of 10 buyers, sellers, and those planning to buy or sell know the RE/MAX name. And not only are we the most recognized real estate brand in the world, but we’re also one of the top 5 most recognized franchisors in any industry – right up there with McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, and Dunkin Donuts. People know our brand.
We offer personalized websites for each agent with our Booj system. The technology from Booj is incredible and helps many agents with their day-to-day tasks and marketing.
However, at our offices, we offer a mentorship program. Any new agent can work alongside an experienced RE/MAX agent to help them grow their own business.
Not only that, but we have full-time administrators at each of our offices to help you!
Ask any of our agents and they will tell you that they feel at home at our RE/MAX offices.
If you are looking to make a change contact me today to help you and chat confidentially about your career goals.